Thursday, September 3, 2009

it was undeniably clear to me, i don't know why

Well, things have started to wind down here. I will be leaving Korea in less than two months. On one hand I am SO excited to get home and see the people that I have missed so unbelievably. On the other hand, I have loved my time here. Coming here was the bravest thing I have ever done and it taught me a lot about myself. I know that there is a huge world out there and I want to experience as much as possible. I will always remember and love Korea.
Being in Korea also really showed me how lucky I am. I have felt nothing but love from the people I left behind. I have always known that I have an amazing family; but being here really demonstrated that! Not to mention being lucky enough to have the friends that I do! But I have also made great friends here. People I hope to be in touch with for the rest of my life! As excited as I am to come home, I will truly miss living here. But I still have about 8 weeks and I plan to pack them full of fun! Still on the list: visit Busan and go to the DMZ. I'm full of conflicting emotions, and it will only get worse as my time here draws shorter. I'm afraid to go home and not be able to find a job. But I can take comfort knowing that I survived a year in another country and I could do it again! As The Beatles said "Everything gonna be alright" Have a good night! I am :) All my loving, I send to you!