This is me and Jen at lunch!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
had it been another day i might have looked the other way
This is me and Jen at lunch!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
i look around, leaves are brown, and the sky is a hazy shade of winter
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
time to play b-sides
Monday, November 17, 2008
cause i'm steeped in this pleasure
i took this video a couple of weeks ago. it was really cool to watch! they are imitating the traditional korean warriors. i thought my little boys might like to watch it! well, i bet the big boys will like it too! love, love!!!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
she said, she said
this is elizabeth! she is one of the sweetest!
this is jackson, aka harry potter! he is one of my favortes!
an old lady making candy!
jack playing
me and heather during our favorite time of day... recess!!!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
and your bird can sing

me and sweet little abi
heather and our favorite bar snack.. we have no clue what it is.
they have hoegaarten in korea!!! if you've never had it, try one!! they're great!
oh, so korean! PEACE!!!
rainy day in the park... so beautiful!
this a little pavillion thing right outside the park
this is a sign that the school made and hung up outside of the nearby elementary school... there is also one on the side of the van that picks kids up and takes them home. so all young deung po-gu can see our pretty mugs!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
so, my kids are starting to get comfortable and act up... especially my kindergarten class! i had such a hard day one day last week, they were terrible! even my good kids... most of them didn't even get stickers! that's their bribe for being good! so julie told them that if they were really bad and made me really mad i was going to go back to my country and tell everyone how bad korean kids are!! they have actually been a lot better since then, ha! yesterday dylan said, "teacher, you leave korea?" i had no idea what he was talking about until julie told me what she said!
we had a school picnic on saturday and it was so much fun... it gave the kids a chance to get to know us! and to like us since we weren't yelling at them to quit speaking korean! i actually got a little nervous about being a teacher in the future. i thought that if i had trouble controling nine kids how could i handle a class of twenty four? i hope it's the language barrier that makes it more dificult!
the first week and a half when i talked to people on skype i really didn't get sad or anything... but now i am starting to get choked up! i called my family at monterreys last friday and cried when i got off the phone.. i guess it was talking to everyone at once. then i called my friend max today, and she was at a party in carrollton... and i cried a little on the phone with her! i do miss carrollton... and the wonderful people who live there!
the people here are really nice too, though! everyone has been really nice to us! i have been sick and james and dylan's mom made me some tea to make me feel better!! and when i said that i haven't really ever been around snow and that i have never been skiing james said they would teach me this winter! it's nice to feel like you have people looking out for you!
well, i have about a million more things i want to say, but i am tired and i could really go on forever! i miss you guys!! be safe!! i will call soon!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
lunch break
and a few pictures for you!!
This is me in the park
This is a little street off the main road
Saturday, October 4, 2008
hearing everyone speaking in korean makes me want to speak in spanish! i guess i feel like if it isn't english it must be spanish! but it is a little hard to make myself not say "gracias" or "con permiso" i'm sure i'll slip up and say it to someone soon. also, sometimes i swear i hear spanish words when i hear korean. weird.
the kids call us either "teacher" or "anna teacher" it's pretty cute. for the older kids class is over at 50 past the hour, so around 45 past they start saying "teacher bye-bye" which is really annoying. i have a feeling that the word teacher might be insanely annoying by the time we leave!!
the kids in korea are also really sweet.heather and i have been exploring the past two days and we have had several groups of kids speak to us! i guess a lot of the kids have learned english. two of the groups were little girls and they were really cute.
south koreans love seafood... nasty sea food! there are tanks outside of a lot of the restaraunts full of octopus and eel and all sorts of funny looking fish. it's crazy! we are really hoping to avoid those restaraunts!
well, thats all for now. i took a lot of pictures today so i will post them soon!
Friday, October 3, 2008
I made it!!
this is a park near our apartment
this is the view outside our apartment
our first breakfast in our apartment
heather's kindergarten class during the fall performance